Counseling provided by
Crystal Ross
About Crystal
My name is Crystal Ross, I am a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW). I earned my master’s degree at Hawaii Pacific University. I am currently working under supervision to obtain my clinical license as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), which is required and very much essential in obtaining my LCSW. What supervision means for myself and for my potential clients is that I will discuss certain topics and/or issues about some of my sessions with clients, negatives and positivity's within sessions, and advice will be shared with other supervisees and my supervisors.
Please be aware that all specified information regarding clients (i.e., client’s name, living location, details of what the client looks like, etc.) or any information that could easily identify the client, will NOT be disclosed during supervision.
As a social worker and your counselor, I want to be yours and/or your family’s listener, supporter, and guidance into working together in finding where we need to go in order to discover your peace of mind in where and who you see yourself as a healed/healing individual.
I hope to build a genuine, personal, trusting, and professional relationship that will build to the comfort of my clients revealing their strengths and recognizing and accepting their flaws and weaknesses. I am open to helping all challenges ranging from anxiety, depression, identify struggles, to questions or concerns of one’s sex life/sexuality.
Therapeutic Approaches Utilized
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Stresses the role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It is based on the belief that thoughts, rather than people or events, cause our negative feelings. The therapist assists the client in identifying, testing the reality of, and correcting dysfunctional beliefs underlying his or her thinking. The therapist then helps the client modify those thoughts and the behaviors that flow from them. CBT is a structured collaboration between therapist and client and often calls for homework assignments. CBT has been clinically proven to help clients in a relatively short amount of time with a wide range of disorders, including depression and anxiety.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Is the treatment most closely associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Therapists practice DBT in both individual and group sessions. The therapy combines elements of CBT to help with regulating emotion through distress tolerance and mindfulness. The goal of Dialectical Behavior Therapy is to alleviate the intense emotional pain associated with BPD.
For clients with chronic pain, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and other health issues such as anxiety and depression, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, or MBCT, is a two-part therapy that aims to reduce stress, manage pain, and embrace the freedom to respond to situations by choice. MCBT blends two disciplines--cognitive therapy and mindfulness. Mindfulness helps by reflecting on moments and thoughts without passing judgment. MBCT clients pay close attention to their feelings to reach an objective mindset, thus viewing and combating life's unpleasant occurrences.
Additional Counseling Information
Counseling will be provided to all Comkey and none Comkey clientele. So whether you are receiving services already with Comkey Therapy (i.e., Speech and/or Occupational therapy), or you have a child/(ren) who are receiving other services with Comkey but you as the parent are not personally utilizing services for yourself, or have a child/(ren) receiving services with Comkey and would benefit counseling as well, or anyone interested in counseling but are not a client of/receiving services from Comkey Therapy, counseling will be eligible to all.
Counseling sessions will be up to 45 – 55 minutes during the weekdays (Mondays – Fridays) only, all sessions at this time will be virtual and will be done through booking scheduled sessions.
The first session will be an assessment of needs for all new clients. Meaning the first session will discuss the client’s need for services, what they are looking to get out of counseling, where they hope to see themselves after counseling, what their current situation(s) that they would like to focus on, client’s expectations of counseling and their expectations of the therapist, etc.
Are you ready for counseling?
If you or anyone you know who may benefit from counseling, please feel free to contact Crystal Ross via email at crystalross@comkeytherapy.com .